February 2011 | Malay Martial Arts - Silat

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The 'Mandi Minyak' (Literally 'Oil-Bath')

Mandi Minyak

There are many rituals similar to mandi minyak in many parts of the world and the theory of ritual heat has developed to account for this type of “supernatural” or shamanic performance.

In the art of Silat,one must posses a Pure heart and confidence when taking part in any spiritual ceremony. This include Silat Seni Gayong.

The 'mandi minyak' (literally 'oil-bath') ceremony does not make one immortal, but it is believed that the hot oil actually contain medicinal value. The grated coconut were squeezed to get the coconut milk, which when then heated under open fire and stirred non-stop will become coconut oil. Throughout the whole process, the person must recite the religuous verses surah Al-Fatehah and Surah Al-Ikhlas non-stop. It is expected that the person performing this activity to do it with the utmost sincerity, concentration, and patience.

Normally the whole process would take one whole day.As the whole process is very tedious and takes a very long time,one must have a pure heart and high level of patience while undergoing the whole process.

Mandi Minyak

Before inserting the hand in the wok filled with hot boiling oil, one must recite a few verses form the Quran and pray that the boiling oil could make him healthy and heal pains that he received while training, GOD WILLING.

This ceremony is best done at least once a year. The more often the better to treat the aches and pains accumulated during training.

Mandi Minyak

As a people of faith we believe that it is GOD's will to grant our request. Patience is required for us to gain the rewards of our hard work to obtain what is good. And when granted, we must show our gratitude in prayer and supplication.

"No man is mighty in this world except with graces from the highest and Almighty."

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Old Traditional and Modern Kerambit

Kerambit is a weapon and is the symbol of this silat style. Kerambit also referred to as karambit, karambik or korambit. In Malaysia, it is known as "lawi ayam" or "kuku ayam". While in Indonesia, it is called "kuku macan". Kerambit size is between 5 centimeters to 10 centimeters

In silat, karambit is one of the skills taught. The lesson begins with basic movements. Then he continued with the method of attack on specific targets. Next, students will learn techniques to counter and the counter-attack an enemy that uses karambit.

 Kerambit Silat

 Kerambit Silat

Kerambit Silat

Karambit very suitable as a defensive weapon. The origin of this unusual blade can be traced back to the early Eleventh Century. The people of Malaysia, Indonesia and The Philippines used the Kerambit as a basic, multi-function and utility blade. The Karambit was "officially" introduced to the United States sometime in the late 1950's and made popular, especially with martial artists, through the late 1970's and 1980's.

The Karambit is a blade with a pronounced curve, and is usually double edged. It is designed to be held in an inverted grip. The Karambit possesses a hole at the pommel through which the index finger is placed, thus providing for an extremely secure grip. Because of this design feature this blade is very difficult to disarm.

The Karambit blade can be used to hook and pin a limb, utilizing both leverage and the pain compliance response. People tend to have a natural aversion to being cut. They will generally attempt to move their flesh away from a blade. While the Karambit can be used to actuate pressure points, in some respects, like all blades, it causes any tissue it connects with to react with the pressure point-like pain compliance response.

The Karambit is an excellent weapon for fighting at transitional distances. It can easily be used at long, mid and close range. While effective at all ranges, it is at its best at close range. It is fast, hard to see, hard to track and almost impossible to disarm. Once a Karambit wielder has bridged the gap between himself and his opponent, it becomes very easy to end the confrontation with a vast selection of techniques of varying degrees of damage to the opponent.

The Kerambit as a Modern Utility Knife

Although of ancient origin, only recently has the Kerambit found growing popularity as a martial arts/ defensive weapon in America and Europe. Guro Ray Dionaldo, Founder of FCS(Filipino Combat Systems) is one of the leading proponents of the Kerambit. Guro Ray has incorporated this weapons versatility into his system and has demonstrated the effectiveness and practicality of the Kerambit as a defensive weapon.

In modern times, this utility tool still performs the same functions as its distant ancestor for such daily chores as opening packages, cutting rope, leather work, home repair, yard work, etc., and outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing, construction work (shaping carpet, drywall and other building materials), mountaineering, hiking, etc., and is additionally recognized as a training tool for interested martial artists for its personal-safety value.

The modern Kerambit, its design and practical operation were developed by renowned Kerambit authority Steve Tarani as a result of the demands of his many students. Specifically designed for the rigors of modern application, this versatile utility knife and personal-safety tool is a remarkable combination of ancient marvel and modern technology.

The modern Kerambit is available in many shapes and sizes. More importantly, the method of operation of a Kerambit as both a utility knife and as a personal-safety tool are what set it head and shoulders above any other edged tool. The modern Kerambit functions as three tools in one - a utility knife, a martial-arts training implement and an option for personal defense.

As a utility knife it is superior to other blades as a result of a remarkable safety feature - a finger loop which prevents the blade from slipping in your hand when in use. This significantly drops the number of "cut yourself" injuries, as the blade is secured to your finger just like a pair of scissors in order that it does not slip and cut your hand. This especially comes in handy when it's freezing cold outside or if you're underwater, in the rain, in the snow or all of the above!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Silat Cekak

Silat Cekak Origin

Yahya Said

Fight martial arts originated from Kedah state of Malaysia. He once practiced by the chiefs at the time of the kingdom of the Sultanate of Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin II. Silat Cekak was developed to counter the Siamese martial or Muay Thai. It was registered in 1964.

Silat Cekak was practiced by royal family in Kedah and their senior warrior 150 years ago. Silat Cekak is also known as the Silat Papan Sekeping

Panglima Ismail one of the founder of silat cekak. Panglima Ismail (commander martial Ismail), one of senior warrior Kedah empire, had killed a hobo named Tuah (Hang Tuah is not) has revealed this knowledge to the commander martial Tok Rashid. At that time Kedah was under Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin II (1803-1843). Panglima Tok Rashid trust has been given to Yahya Said Silat Cekak from Batu Kurau, Taiping as 'trustees'

Panglima Tok Rashid was born in Sungai Daun, Kedah. However he moved to Kerian Kedah due to cholera pandemics. There he worked as a farmer and traditional medicine man. Panglima Tok Rashid left a will to Yahya Said who was 20 years old:

"If my children have to learn martial arts in Kedah, shall you return again"

Panglima Tok Rashid learnt silat cekak and later take over title senior warrior from Panglima Ismail. Tok Rashid later passed the knowledge to Yahya Said.

Silat cekak been dormant for 40 years until YM Ustaz Hanafi Haji Ahmad bin Haji from Kedah, was met with Yahya Said.

Ustaz Hanafi

YM Tuan Haji Ishak bin Itam

Silat Cekak later was registered on August 19, 1971 as Persatuan Seni Silat Cekak Malaysia and Tuan Haji Ishak Bin Itam was appointed as Guru Utama Persatuan Seni Silat Cekak Malaysia.

Hj. Md. Radzi bin Haji Hanafi

On August 5, 1994, was registered Pertubuhan Seni Silat Cekak Ustaz Hanafi and Tuan Guru Hj. Md. Radzi bin Haji Hanafi was appointed as Guru Utama Pertubuhan Seni Silat Cekak Ustaz Hanafi.

Video Silat Cekak Ustaz Hanafi

Video Silat Cekak Malaysia

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Martial Arts of Silat SETIABAKTI

Dahlan KARIM
Founder and Principal Teacher
Penguruan Seni Silat Setiabakti

SetiaBakti was registered in 1994. The subjects taught are Silat Seni, Silat Silat Martial Art and Sports. Art and Buah Pukul Technique selected from the best method of martial learned. Taught easily understood and practiced. SHORT technique easy to learn AND EFFECTIVE. To date has trained over 700 students.

HISTORY of SETIABAKTI martial arts teaching

Originally named as Malay Silat by the late Tok Guru Mat Valley. As his well known by people in martial skills and the apparent bathin a household name in Kampong Selandar, Malacca and the surrounding villages, the village, it has attracted the attention of Mr. Guru Ali Rani for lessons with Tok Guru Mat Valley.

After several years of Mr. Ali Rani Teachers learn Malay Silat finally he was appointed as a teacher to develop this martial. He has developed this martial among the sons of the fruit and those around Selandar village. Due to service about Tok Guru Mat Kelang, Pak Guru Ali Rani was named by the name of martial arts they teach Silat Mat Valley.

In 1970, Guru Dahlan Karim had learned Mat Kelang Silat from the Pak Guru Mat Ali Rani and diijazahkan as a teacher in 1982. Together with Pak Teachers' Ali Rani, Teacher Dahlan Karim and partners have agreed to name the martial Mat Kelang Silat as Seni Silat Setiabakti name at the end of 1982.

In 1994, the Association of Art Silat Setiabakti have registered and been approved by the Registrar of Societies. Now, after learning about the ten of Malay martial, Guru Dahlan Karim has developed Teaching Art Silat Setiabakti to several states in Malaysia and overseas.

Teaching art and techniques of Silat Seni Setiabakti is SIMPLE, EASY to learn and EFFECTIVE. Blow the art and techniques of fruit were selected from the best of martial rule has been learned by Guru Dahlan Karim

For more information visit : http://senisilatsetiabakti.blogspot.com