2013 | Malay Martial Arts - Silat

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Results Pencak Silat Sea Games 2013

The Results Pencak Silat 
Sea Games 2013 by category

Pencak Silat Men's

Pencak Silat Women's

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Silat Sterlak (Silat Terlak)

Combat of Silat Sterlak

Silat is a form of martial arts originated in the ancient south east Asia, particularly in the region we know today as Indonesia and Malaysia.

Silat Sterlak is a system, the name of which implies ‘to attack with strength’. This art of silat sterlak also known as terlak in Malaysia, tiralak, tralak, stralak and sterlak.

In addition there are also many derivative styles such as Terlak Nata, and Terlak Empat.

The Silat Sterlak style of silat originated from the Kamang, Agam region of West Sumatra around 1852. It is said to have been created by Guru Tuanku Syech Habibullah and later modified and made popular by Guru Ulud Bagindo Chatib around 1865.

It was said that Silat Sterlak, the Minangkabau style, was designed as a countermeasure to silat harimau imitating ‘the fury of a herd of stampeding elephants, combining that with the wariness of the stalking tiger.’

Trainees are concerned with applying the whole body force behind the fist, foot, or head in making their attacks.

This style would spread across Indonesia’s archipelago and into Malaysia most notably in the Malay Semenanjung area.

The name Silat Sterlak signifies “to attack with strength”. It was the style developed to counter the dangerous harimau (tiger) system of silat.

Silat Sterlak has a very direct approach in its application. The mindset is to attack the opponent as a herd of stampeding elephants. Its soul emphasis is on direct powerful attacks, throwing the entire body weight behind the strike. This gave the art a hard Japanese kamikaze approach to combat. Unlike most martial art systems that step and parry off the center line of attack, Sterlak steps forward with solid grounding footwork, attacking whilst defending in one swift movement.

Video Silat Terlak 4

Monday, November 25, 2013

Seven basic attack in silat


In martial arts, attack technique is based on the ideology of each the styles of martial art. Like the Taekwondo, the concept is "the art of the feet and the hands" or "the art of kicking and punching" and "the way of the foot and the hand." That is why they use a lot of punches and kicks. In silat, to be a worthy and strong Silat fighter, either in the arena or on the street, there are seven self defense moves that really should be mastered. To fully master the techniques, you will probably have to train every day and if you have a unique personality or behavior, you may find that your fighting skills will need to be developed in a unique way, in order to make you the most efficient warrior possible.

Silat’s seven essential fighting techniques are:

Silat Gayung Fatani Malaysia
Silat Gayung Fatani Malaysia

Your opponent can be killed instantly if you employ either the uppercut or the straight punch effectively. You can develop your skill and strength with your punches by practicing grip exercises and push ups.

Silat Olahraga
Silat Olahraga

In Silat, the focus is on targeting your kicks rather than trying to get them as high as possible, and training with a punching bag or kicking target can be an excellent way to perfect your kicks. The most effective kick is the front kick, because the power is targeted directly to your opponent.

Silat Gayong Malaysia
Silat Gayong Malaysia

Many other fighting techniques including kick boxing have copied the elbow strike form Silat, and the technique is often used in an attempt to confuse tour opponent.

Silat Gayong Pusaka
Silat Gayong Pusaka

This technique can be employed to topple down an enemy, and Silat is one of the few martial arts fighting techniques that uses the sweeping movement. Your enemy can fall into a coma from being on the receiving end of a sweep, if they land the wrong way.

Silat Cekak
Silat Cekak

Catching often follows a strike or topple, and when used effectively it can catch your enemy off guard.

Silat Lincah Malaysia
Silat Lincah Malaysia

Whether or not you have a weapon with you when you are fighting, the locking movement is one of the techniques that can actually break the bones of your opponent.

Silat Sendeng Malaysia
Silat Sendeng Malaysia

Counter Attack 
If your opponent catches your strike with either a leg or a hand, you can employ a counter attack also known as a polong. A martial arts technique that focuses on locking and catching should use the counter attack technique and this is a great strategy to employ if your opponent is not seriously dead or injured.

The fighting techniques described above should not be used unless you are highly trained and skilled and are in a very real and serious situation, as they are all very powerful and effective and can easily kill a man. The best Silat exponent is one who has a good heart, and you should keep in mind that these techniques are for self defense only and should be taken seriously.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Silat veteran sets up MMA association in Singapore

Former silat world champion Sheik Alauddin has set up the Mixed Martial Arts Federation of Singapore. He said such an organisation can help to create a framework of common standards and rules to govern the growing sport.

SINGAPORE: The sport of mixed martial arts (MMA) has seen rapid growth in Singapore in recent years, with at least three organisers set to hold major events here in the coming months.

Former silat world champion Sheik Alauddin has set up the Mixed Martial Arts Federation of Singapore.

He said such an organisation can help to create a framework of common standards and rules to govern the growing sport, even though it is not yet recognised as an official national sports association by the Singapore Sports Council.

The sport of MMA continues to draw fans among Singaporeans -- home-grown fight organiser ONE FC and top international promotion, the Ultimate Fighting Championships, are set to hold more events here in the years ahead.

The lure of prize money and a career as a professional fighter has also drawn more Singaporeans to take up the sport. However, this means a regulatory framework to guide the new sport is fast becoming a necessity.

Sheik Alauddin is a veteran martial artist, having represented Singapore in silat and won world championships. He believes his month-old Mixed Martial Arts Federation of Singapore can help to guide the development of the sport, especially for amateurs.

"There are a lot of mixed martial arts clubs, individuals who train and set up mixed martial arts (clubs) in Singapore. And I think there is a need to come in and give them the support in terms of the organising of events, regulating whatever they have been doing and looking at the sports safety," he said.

Doping is another area of focus for the federation. The federation plans to further build up its expertise and work with more partners as it establishes itself in the Singapore MMA scene.

The federation will also seek to play a role in youth development and the grooming of local talent.

The sport has already drawn young exponents from traditional disciplines such as silat, with the opportunity to turn pro and make a living as a fighter. Grasio Club, an affiliate of the Singapore Silat Federation, have already attracted some 30 members.

Mohammad Shahlan, an MMA exponent, said: "(It is) good to give Singaporeans an opportunity to get into the growing MMA sport because I believe that MMA is a very fast-growing sport."

The federation is also considering organising amateur tournaments in future to provide more opportunities for upcoming fighters.

Watch more Martial Arts videos on Frequency

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Silat can improve mental health

TRADITIONAL silat in this day and age is used for improving mental health, general fitness and unity, said the co-chairman of the Traditional Silat Competition for Mukims in Brunei-Muara, November 4, 2013.

The art of silat was a requirement for self-defence, said Pg Hj Ali Pg Maon, in his opening remarks during the start of a district level silat competition among Brunei-Muara mukims.

“However, today, silat is also introduced as a sport, and is also used for fitness, physical and mental health, and unit,” said Pg Hj Ali, who is also the Penghulu of Mukim Berakas ‘B’.

Pg Hj Ali said that the competition is divided into eight categories, namely Cakak Open, Open Kuntau, Cakak for Veterans aged 45 and above, and Kuntau for veterans aged 45 and above, in both male and female categories.

The contestants - eight male and one female - will be representing their respective mukim.

Pg Hj Ali said that the winners will represent Brunei-Muara District for the national level competition, which will be held at a later date.

“Although we did not reach the target of inviting as many silat practitioners in Brunei-Muara District, we still hope that together we can produce high quality and excellent silat practitioners, not only within the country but also at a regional and international levels,” he said.

The Brunei-Muara District Officer, Hj Jamain Momin declared the competition open yesterday, and the resolution of some of the opening matches. -The Brunei Times

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Pukulan Combat

It didn't mean much to me when I first heard the words, ‘My body is my weapon”. After all, you could apply that claim to whichever martial art you might be learning. It wasn't until years later that I clearly understood the difference between what one could say about various arts. and what what we do.

You see the human body is composed of a variety of organs covered by the skin, and these represent a universe of 'soft' and 'hard' areas. Some areas teem with energy drainage spots or are crowded with nerves and muscles, others are vulnerable joints. Yet others look outwardly similar but are armour plated weapons!
The real secret of using your body like a weapon lies in lining up your amour plated parts against the opponents soft more vulnerable areas.When this is accomplished the opponent is hurt no matter what they do!

When this happens a 115 pound woman can drop a 250 pound man and no one can figure it out: This is our goal and we attain it through a unique delivery system. The body learns to move in an undulating unfathomable manner brought to life by the 'Bunga'. which unites spirit with movement. This means the Silat artist actually becomes so physically and mentally attuned to the opponent that it is not even necessary to look at them! Pukulan Silat is based can eleven physical principles which build and train the body. These are:
1. Principle of Penetration
2. Principle of Continuous Blow with Camouflage
3. Principle of Adhesion
4. Principle of Bamboo - Whip and Ricochet Hitting
5. Principle of Off-Timing - Mental, Visual and Auditory
6. Principle of Compacting - Thunderbolt strikes and Poison Hand blows
7. Principle of the Thorn
8. Principle of Decoying (Includes Indirect Hitting)
9. Principle of Destruction:
10. Principle of Body Armour
11. Principle of Hit Trapping

Penetration has more than one dimension. It includes the ability to close range and penetrate the opponent's defenses while negating their counters. Once in range, penetration involves various ways of intercepting incoming blows with blows of your own, and going through the aforementioned energy points muscles nerves and joints.

One of the major differences between our art ,and many others is that we do not block anything! Everything that comes into our range is struck! Punches can be struck aggressively by flanking and perhaps with a powerful forearm smash. Alternatively we may be more passive and guide the incoming blow into a more powerful destructive force – like the tip of the elbow. Kicks can be hit straight on with another kick, stopping them before they even start. Or we hit them at an angle. using penetrating toe points or heel kicks.

Head butts, points on the shoulder, and hip are other weapons to use when the opportunity arises. In many ways it's like the old paper, rock, scissors game.

Remember always to line up your superior body parts with the incoming weaker ones. Flank (if this is not possible) and quickly counter with the correct weapon.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Mastering Pencak Silat

Silat is a very big art in that there is a lot to be learned and there is no way that you can practice all of it or even a large part of it every day. So how should you train? In learning any martial arts, we can break the art into four pieces – mechanics, partner dynamics, real combat and internal aspects. 

Mechanics - Do you have your foot, your hand and your body in all of the right places and do you understand how they should be coordinated together. During this phase you should listen and watch in class for subtle movements and positions that your instructor makes. If you only have the books or the videos then look for every detail. Play the video in slow motion many times and watch where everything goes. Next head out to your garage or wherever you train and practice slowly in front of the mirror. Ask yourself if you look like the video or not? The answer for a while will be no, but keep tuning and fixing until you look good. Also do the techniques both slowly and at full speed. During this phase repetition is the key, but not mindless repetition. Don’t treat your training like reps on the weight machine.

Partner Dynamics - In this phase try the technique slowly with a partner. In your initial attempts the technique will seem “dirty”. Your partners arms and legs will seem to keep getting in the way and it all seems so messy. This is place you are learning to detect motion in your partner, learning about angles and you are learning that constant minor adjustments must be made. If the technique does not work like you think that it should then you need to ask if it is a question of mechanics, something you missed before, or is the problem in the dynamics. During this phase don’t kid yourself into believing that now you are super warrior and ready the take on the jungle. You made the technique work when both you and your partner knew exactly what was supposed to happen and your partner punched or kicked in the correct manner.

Real Combat - In this phase you need to begin slowly with your partner. This time you must maneuver yourself into the proper positions and adjust to the randomness of your partner. Care must be made to prevent injuries. This is not a contest to see who is the winner or loser. Gradually pick up the speed and eventually when you feel ready wear some protective gear and go at near full pace. Some techniques can’t be done at combat pace because they would cause serious injury, but do your best approximation. In this phase also evaluate your success or failure and ask is it due to mechanics, dynamics, fear or maybe you don’t have enough endurance or strength.

Internal Aspects - In this phase you want to integrate whatever animal spirit goes with that technique. Are you integrating the tenaga dalam with what you are trying to do? Have you been doing your tenaga dalam breathing exercises? Watch videos about the real animals, go to the zoo and see the real animals and attempt animal possession. In conclusion keep your training fun. If due to family or work you just can’t get with a partner very often at least try to get together once a week. Balance the other days with work on mechanics, tenaga dalam, endurance or strength. There is a lot to be learned and it should keep you busy a lifetime.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Keris Blacksmith


The keris is synonymous with the Malay culture and way of life. The double-edged dagger is unique because it is only found within the Malay Archipelago. The keris is a dagger unique to Southern Thailand (Patani), Malaysia, Indonesia, Southern Philippines (Mindanao), and supposedly in the Cham areas of Cambodia.At its best, the keris represents the highest level of Malay creativity. A long time ago, it is used to complete the Malay attire. Walking around without the keris for a Malay men then was akin to walking around naked. Training in the use of the keris – both for combat and ceremony, was handed down from father to son.

making keris

A tar road just after the Royal Museum takes visitors to Kg Padang Changkat, Bt Chandan where Malay blacksmiths skilled in the making of keris and golok (machete) and craftsmen apt at crafting traditional embroideries are found.

Abdul Mazin Abdul Jamil , Perak , Kuala Kangsar was a fourth generation in making a keris for Sultan Perak and for the palace. He has been making keris and golok since he was 12 years old. It is an art he learned from his father Allahyarham Abdul Jamil Pandak Lam Pandak Yunus.

He said for first stage he was learn how to indentified types of iron that suitable for making a keris . “Most basic knowledge in making a keris is we must be clever to identified what type of iron that suitable in making a keris.” said Pak Mazin .Pak Mazin also said , with tecnology nowadays it help Pak Mazin to make a keris quick . But when to make a sarong and hulu keris he will do with traditional ways . Because to make sarong and hulu keris it need accuracy and high concentration.

An assortment of keris and golok are available for  sale. They are priced between RM1,000 to RM5,000, depending on the designs. Mazin makes replicas of the Keris Taming Sari too.

For more information and reservations, can visit the website : kerismalaysia

Monday, October 7, 2013

Effectiveness in fighting

Effectiveness in fighting is determined by the training methods you employ, not by the style or technique you perform. Efficient and effective training methods should address each and every component of fighting. Otherwise, an individual's safety can be jeopardised.

Here is formula for developing effectiveness in fighting:

Learning, practicing and mastering the basics 
Putting the basics together into combinations to form a drill 
Using drills to develop physical and mental attributes 
Special considerations 

1. Learning, practicing and mastering the basics:
The basics can be defined as a group of simple and direct, fundamental movements. These movements lay a foundation upon which you can build a myriad of combinations, drills and strategies. For example, all kick boxers, regardless of their level of experience, must maintain good footwork and keep their hands up at all times. To stand still and lower their hands down would invite the pain and injury, not to mention an inability to hit their opponent. So as basic as these movements are, they can not be overlooked or over stressed in training.

Practising the basics is one of the hardest things to do. Why? Because practising the basics are boring and mundane. Even though we know these movements lay the foundation, they do absolutely nothing for our ego or emotions. It is more fun to practice the cool, outrageous and flamboyant techniques that impress our family members, friends and co-workers. However, through consistent practice, we will one day master them and be done with them.

Mastering the basics is something that takes time. It can not be done overnight. To master the basics, you must correctly understand the mechanics involved with each technique, as well as practice them until you can perform them spontaneously and reflexively when presented with the appropriate stimulus. Although you may intellectually understand how to do a technique, that does not mean you can reflexively perform the technique under stress. You must take the basics to a level where you can perform them without thought. Then and only then will you have mastered them.

2. Putting the basics together into combinations to form a drill:
Learning is a process of time and effort. This process begins with learning and classifying the simple knows of life (the basics) and progressing towards the study of the very complex unknowns. When a child learns mathematics, he begins with a very simple known value system: he learns how to count from one to ten by using his fingers or toes. Once he can comfortably and confidently manoeuvre around these simple things, he can then be introduced to more complex things like counting to one hundred. Once proficiency is achieved at this new level, he can then be introduced to basic arithmetic (which is the idea of putting the basics together into combinations). When his grasp of basic arithmetic has grown to a very high level, he can then be introduced to more complex mathematics like algebra, geometry, trigonometry and calculus. This is the process of learning mathematics. This is also the process of learning how to fight. One you can perform the basics reflexively, you can move onto putting the basics together into various combinations.

3. Using drills to develop physical and mental attributes:
The purpose of a drill is develop instil certain habits into your repertoire of physical techniques, as well as develop specific attributes necessary to make your techniques work. Techniques without attributes are useless. Imagine a punch or a kick without speed, power, explosiveness, timing or accuracy. Would it hurt or incapacitate you? I think not! While it is important to learn and develop techniques, the bulk of your training should involve drills that develop specific attributes (like speed, power, accuracy, timing, strength, flow, explosiveness, footwork, sensitivity, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, balance, co-ordination, line familiarization  spatial relationship, rhythm, awareness, proper mental attitude, focus, concentration, determination, pain tolerance, the will to survive, etc...).

4. Sparring:
Sparring is the next step in your progression of training. Sparring is one of the best tools to develop the timing of your techniques. For when you spar, you truly do not know what your opponent will do, so you must respond accordingly. You must develop your reflexes. Sparring should be done in stages. Stage one sparring is done with light contact hitting and at a slow workable speed. It's as though your and your opponent are cooperating with each other, however, you are not. Stage one sparring is for the development of reflex and timing.

After stage one sparring you must move on to stage two. This is where you bump up the contact and/or speed of the match. This is also where you begin to don protective gear. This stage is very exhausting! Especially when you combine different ranges (long, close and ground) to the match. Stage two sparring is for the development of endurance, focus, concentration, determination, and pain tolerance.

Finally, there's stage three. This is where you add multiple assailants and weapons to the training. This is also where you see the core personality of your trainees. When forced into a situation where they may be hurt, all trainees will show their true identities. I have seen it a thousand times. Joe blow at the office brags about being a great fighter. He talks incessantly about all the street fights he's been in, yet when put through an exhausting scenario involving some medium level contact, he cowers like a yelping dog who sticks his tail between his legs and runs like the wind. Stage three training is very helpful for determining how people will respond to unexpected violence! It is the stage of training where you put it all together. Stage three training will identify an individual's weak points, whether they be physical, mental or psychological.

5. Special considerations:
To fully prepare one's self to deal with violence, you must not only address techniques, drills and sparring, but you must also address those peculiar situations where the formula changes a bit. For example, when you are forced to confront violence, you will have no choice as to the time of day, the location, the environment, whether or not weapons will be involved, how many assailants will assault you, the range at which the altercation will start, what kind of clothing you will be wearing or what kind of mood you will be in. Each of these considerations makes the fight more complex. You must, and I repeat MUST, address these considerations in your training. Otherwise, you will be unprepared to deal with them when they rear their ugly heads!

My personal formula for efficient training that will lead to effectiveness in fighting is this: 

Techniques: learn, practice and master them 
Drills: learn, practice and master them 
Sparring: do it 
Special considerations: address them as needed 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Bonding over an ancient art

A father wants his family to learn silat because it is not only a form of martial arts, but steeped in the Malay traditions of adab (respect) and adat (customs).

EPIDEMIOLOGIST Dr Mustafa Bakri’s fascination with silat started from watching old Malay films from the 1960s such as Anak Buluh Betong and Dharma Kesuma.

“I was fascinated by how silat invoked the spirit of heroism and justice. But after being introduced to different silat techniques such as silat lintau and silat panji alam in secondary school, I realised martial arts acts in movies were choreographed, be it in Malay, European, Hollywood or Japanese movies.

“Silat teaches the core art of martial arts, minus the fancy moves seen on the big screen. In a real fight, the scenario is entirely different. Silat is thus far one of the best and most practical,” shares Dr Mustafa, 57, who works at the Seremban district health office.

The Perak-born doctor attends Silat Melayu Keris Lok 9 lessons which he considers one of the most practical self-defence tactics.

“It is one of the few silat systems where students (beginners included) are encouraged to use the keris in both armed and unarmed combat. Silat exponents can use simple yet effective movements to counter attack the opponent.

“To me, Silat Melayu Keris Lok 9 is the most practical silat by far as it combines skill and rigorous exercise. It requires minimal running, pumping or punching unlike other silat forms that I have seen, making it a perfect martial arts form-cum-exercise for me,” he said.

Silat Melayu Keris Lok 9 is an old system in Silat Melayu that can be traced back to the Malacca Sultanate and it is believed Malay warriors used it to fight Portuguese invaders.

The modern version of this form of martial arts was developed by silat exponent Prof Dr Azlan Ghanie, who had learnt it from his father Abdul Ghanie Abu Bakar, who inherited it from his grandfather Abang Salleh Datu Patinggi Borhassan.

Dr Mustafa, who has been learning silat since 2007, is one of Azlan’s students. He was so enthusiastic about silat that he has persuaded his wife Noraishah Mohamed, 49, and his sons Muhammad Syahridwan, 13 and Muhammad Syahriezlan, 11, to participate in Azlan’s classes.

“Since my wife and sons do not do much physical activities, the classes help to keep them active,” said Dr Mustafa who has six children.

Noraishah, a homemaker, was inspired to join silat classes due to its simplicity and practicality. “We learn self-defense tips for women, be it in public spaces or at home. It is especially useful as I am a housewife and I am home alone most of the time,” said Noraishah, who has been a silat student for two years.

Muhammad Syahridwan’s interest was sparked by his father’s enthusiasm. “My parents have been silat enthusiasts and their interest rubbed off on us. I enjoy my silat lessons as they build confidence and discipline. It is also a good form of exercise,” said the secondary school student. Dr Mustafa works in Seremban but travels back to be with his family in Rawang during weekends. Every Saturday, his family travels from Rawang to Setapak, Kuala Lumpur for their silat lessons.

Students start their classes with Senaman Melayu Tua, an ancient form of physical exercise that focuses on breathing techniques, stretches and movements to strengthen the body. After the warming up session, students learn different forms of loks (a Malay term for the curve on the blade of the keris).

There are five loks (numbered one, three, five, seven and nine) to be learned to complete the basic syllabus. Learning the loks is the key to the principles of fighting in armed and empty hand combat. The basic syllabus takes two years of regular training to complete.

Dr Mustafa adds that besides an art of self defence, silat also places emphasis on adab (respect) and adat (customs). Traditional Malay values are maintained throughout classes where students are taught how to respect their elders and each other. Students are also taught how to confront danger (with or without weapons) which is useful for different age groups and gender.

“Silat practitioners are taught to respect our opponents and training tools. Before each session, we have to bow a little to shake hands with partners and kiss our weapon as a sign of respect. This traditional martial arts form teach us to avoid trouble and protect ourselves from danger. Being able to handle the keris during practice has helped boost my sons’ self confidence,” explained Dr Mustafa, adding that plastic or wooden knives are also used during sparring sessions.

Traditionally, the keris is regarded more than just a weapon and the adab (manners/ rules of behaviour) surrounding this art is extremely important. The keris is a symbol of the ancient Malay culture and must be respected, and those who own a keris carry heavy responsibilities. Learning the customs and traditions associated with the keris is an integral part of the syllabus.

Another benefit of learning silat is that it is good for health as its practitioners learn how to regulate their breathing. “Some silat students with asthma and shortness of breath are now more aware of proper breathing techniques. Learning how to improve breathing is among the core essentials of silat,” said Azlan, who charges RM50 monthly for his silat classes.

Azlan has also further developed Senaman Tua – a traditional exercise system based on the movements found in Silat Melayu Keris Lok 9. He had turned to this exercise form after he suffering from a stroke at 32, which left him partially paralysed.

“Although I sought all sorts of treatments ranging from modern to traditional, I didn’t show signs of improvement. I eventually started to practise various techniques of Senaman Tua (which I had learnt from my father) and my health gradually improved,” recounted Azlan, who is the founder and editor of Seni Beladiri, a monthly magazine dedicated to the Malaysian martial arts scene.

Dr Mustafa hopes more youngsters will learn silat as it is a self-defense art passed down from the warriors of the olden days. “Sadly, some feel that silat is out of fashion and not a necessity. Hopefully more students will sign up for classes as it is a powerful martial arts form that stresses on team spirit and confidence.”
For more details on Silat Melayu Keris Lok 9, go to senibeladiri.com.my.


Monday, September 23, 2013

The Weapon of Lembing

Lembing is considered the oldest weapons from other weapons. Basically Lembing is throwing weapon. Its existence has been detected since the stone age. It was a special weapon for hunting at the time.

Hunting spear at the stone age

Spears are either known as Tombak in the Javanese words and were called Lembing by the Malay. There were two types of Lembing , the throwing spears and one used for fighting at close quarters. Lembing basically are ballistic weapon and the stem was made from straight wood that measure from opening arms from one end to the other. The blades were made and design like knife and sharp blade were inserted into the stem and reinforced with rattan or ferrule bond.

lembing weapon
Malay Lembing

Mastering the art of Seni Lembing, one must understand the criteria of the lembing.  Malay Lembing is more shorter and sharp blade at the edge. There are many types of blades that can be found such as wide spear like leaf,  wide blade and light long stem normally are mean for ballistic purposes and a spear used for battle the blade are long and sharp and the stem are strong. Lembing commonly was made with a long hilt which using rattan or nibung or a hard wood that not easy to break. While the blade size measure of a span distance. Mostly the blades are taken or copied from the shape of bamboo leaves. The length of the spears are measured from the ground until shoulder before attach with a blade.

In the art of a warrior Lembing are commonly used with both hand in defending and slicing and were used as a throwing weapons at a certain time. The length of a Lembing stem is measured from the shoulder to the ground and the blades are about a span length. The blades are various from a beetle leaf design alike or from a bamboo leaf design.

Lembing are made from long hilt and since that it is long the techniques used are more on swinging. At the end of the hilt, the rod are attach together with a blade. These blades are used in making a thrust and hurling. The combination of this two techniques makes Seni Lembing is an art of mastering both the Seni Simbat and Seni Keris.

When training with Seni Lembing one should understand the techniques of making a thrust and handling the bar. The thrust are made with a twist of both hand and opposite twisting when pulling the blade out from the target. While the bar are used to block, played with a hand drill or movement an addition can be swing.

Therefore in order to mastered Seni Lembing once must really mastered the way of applying the hand ,changing and controlling the stem of the Lembing while making a movements of thrust and slicing, throwing and changing hands drill.

photo: credit to fototeacher.com

Monday, August 5, 2013

Silat Al-Haq

Silat Al-Haq
Silat Al-Haq

In Singapore, there are 23 affiliates and 34 Silat clubs that are active. Al-Haq is one of perguruans pencak silat in Singapore.

Origin Club pencak silat Al-Haq. 

Al-Haq is a compound movement in the era of 10 students, founded in Singapore in 1971 by Mr. Husni Bin Ahmad  following instruction acquired from several different masters Malaysian and Indonesian styles. In 1972, the club has more than 200 students and is one of the most famous Asian schools. In 1985, following the creation of the International Pencak Silat Federation (Persilat) and the first official World Championship, Mr. Hosni became the first coach of the national team of Singapore until 1995.

Husni Bin Ahmad Grand Master Al-Haq

Grand Master Hj Hosni Bin Ahmad practice martial arts since his young age. Master Haji Hosni late father, Daeng Ahmad Bin Daeng Rappon was born in Makkasar Sulewesi. It was said that his grand father, Daeng Rappon was one of the most respectful Spiritual Guru in Makassar Sulawesi.

Hosni Ahmad in Silat Gayong

Apart from heritance nature from his great grand father, he was also the right hand man of Dato’ Meor A.Rahman Of Silat Gayong.

Master Hosni started his own school of silat named HARIMAU (TIGER) in 1974, inspired by the movements of tiger. His students consists of his own family, his son Abdul Fakir bin Hosni, his nephews Isnin bin Amat, Kassim bin Amat and few other close friends. By 1975 Harimau became famous in Singapore and in Malaysia and was recognized by the Malaysian Martial Arts Federation.

Being someone who craves for knowledge and adventure, Master Haji Hosni did not stop there. He decided to expand and learn more of other styles and culture. In the mid of 1975, he step into Indonesia where his roots came from, his family history make it easier for him to penetrate there apart from his natural ability. He made silat Harimau known and recognized in Indonesia by the end of the year 1975. Since then, his gain knowledge from all the great masters exists in Indonesia.

Grand Master Hj Hosni enthusiasm of knowledge in martial arts, made him bring new ideas in this arena and foresee further development. Hence he started to form a silat group with a new style of arts, which he had inspired from all his masters in Indonesia called AL-HAQ which means –“The Truth”. This new form of martial art is focusing more on spiritual exercise. It started with 20 students and he uses his own house as the training ground! It took him only 2 years to motivate the believers. By then, the group has already expanded to 200 students of different ages and races.

Al-HAQ then was registered with the Singapore Silat Federation (PERSISI) when it was first formed in 1976. In 1978 ALHAQ was recognized as the 1st silat group registered with the Singapore Martial Arts Control Unit (MACU), as “ULTRA SPIRITUAL EXERCISE CLUB”. Master Haji Hosni then got involved with the development of the Federation and had most of his students to compete in the competition organized by PERSISI. Having most of his students won the championship at each of the national tournaments, PERSISI then invited Master Haji Hosni to coach the Singapore National team. Master Haji Hosni was the Singapore Coach for the Silat National Team from 1985 to 1995.

Video : Silat Al-Haq

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Silat Harimau

Silat harimau

In the world there are many different styles of martial arts silat. Silat Harimau or the Tiger Form whose steps reflect tiger-like movement.

Harimau means ‘tiger’ in English. Therefore silat harimau is based on tiger style fighting. This style is popular in southern Malay peninsular and Minangkabau. In Minangkabau also called silat kucing, but the word of tiger is more popular.

Silat harimau - tiger fight
Tiger Fighting

The style is said to have developed out of the necessity for combat on wet and highly slippery surfaces where upright stances are impractical; also to offset the eventuality of falling down on the ground from upright combat, there to be helpless and in danger of losing one’s life.

In executing the ground tactics the Harimau fighters find their legs all important. The style is deceptive and many an upright attacker is surprised by the quick defeat rendered by his ‘tiger’ foe. The ground-hugging harimau fighter is evasive, clever, and not the sitting duck he appears to. The speed and power of his legs and feet can demolish and ordinary upright defense.

Silat harimau style
Tiger Style

Perhaps there is no silat as curious as the harimau style. Harimau silat is the most aggressive and dangerous style of Minang martial art, which is originated from West Sumatra.

Silat Harimau is the art of fighting without the use of weapon, such as knife, machete, stick, etc. therefore, empowering the hands becomes extemely important for hitting/slapping, gripping, and scratching/grating.

hand of Silat harimau
Techniques gripping

Training involves breaking one up to six coconuts shells with bare hands, by gripping. Training also applies low, medium and high-fencing positions while standing firmly on both legs, with hands in the form of tiger claws, ready to catching, hitting, slapping, grating and locking the adversary, in addition to evading,  catching and attacking the opponent with open-palm blows, kicking and locking techniques. Methods to unlock are also taught.

To learn the art of breaking away from a lock position, one had to undergo the evening ritual-bath of warmed coconut oil while focusing on mental image of a body too slippery to be captured, pinned down or locked.

Video Learning Silat Harimau

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Fifth ASEAN Schools Games

Hanoi, Vietnam – Student athletes from Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei, the Philippines and Laos began their competitions in Hanoi on June 24.

The opening performances showcased the national identity of the respective nations. The main performances also showcased the chivalry, hospitability, youthful and friendly collaboration of thousands of students in Hanoi to other students from countries participating in the event.

Vice Minister of Education and Training, Tran Quang Guy said that the 5th ASG was an opportunity for students, officials and teachers from different countries in the region to have favorable conditions to exchange views, culture, experience and learn together to enhance physical education quality and school sport level, step by step catch up with sport level of students in Asian countries and in the world.

They are competing in nine disciplines: athletics, swimming, badminton, basketball, gymnastics, table tennis, volleyball, pencak silat and sepak takraw.

Swimmer Nguyen Thi Anh Vien pocketed three gold medals for Vietnam in the women’s 100m backstroke, 200m freestyle and 400m medley.

The 17-year-old also pocketed a bronze in the 100m breastsroke.

Her success helped Vietnam stay in second place in the medal tally on the first day of the event.
Thailand are in top position with three golds, two silvers and five bronzes.

Third place is currently held by Malaysia who have bagged one gold, two silver and one bronze medals.
Last year, Vietnam won 60 medals, including 27 golds, finishing in fourth place.

The ASG is an annual event which started in 2009 and is managed by the ASEAN Schools Sports Council (ASSC), a non-Governmental organisation established by ASEAN member countries to boost sports activities among them.

On the same day, the ASEAN Schools Sports Council held its 66th meeting to review its programmes and activities last year. Members discussed measures to mobilise more funds from businesses and social organisations to develop the council further.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

How to Win A Silat Olahrga Match

It is not easy to be a silat champion. You need to train harder and sacrifice many things to achieve the champion status. Many peoples thought that this sport requires a fighter with 'born to be a fighter' quality in order to win a silat match. In one point it is true. However, it is not always right. This is because silat olahraga is a point-based system sport that not only requires you to be good a fighter, but also requires you master the fighting tactics during the match.

Many so-called 'born to be a fighter' exponents fail in early silat competition due to the stupidity to read a game. They tend to use all the self defense moves and skills to show how good they are in silat. But, the true is, silat olahraga is a very simple sport. You only need to master three simple techniques to win a game. There are; punching, kicking and topple down.

Here are the explanations of each of the technique in silat olahraga;

1. The punching technique. The most dangerous technique in silat is straight-punch. The jury will reward you one point for every successful hit to your opponent. In addition, you need to be good at other skill such as blocking technique in order to gain more points in silat match. However, if you block the opponent strike and followed with a successful punch, the jury will reward you 'one plus one point' or two points.

Based on these issues, it is important for you to train the blocking technique in order to gain more points using the punching technique. Scientific research shows that the number of successful hit using the punching technique is more than the kicking technique. Thus, by combining both techniques, you will have advantage to win a silat olahraga match.

2. The kicking technique. Even thought, the scientific research shows that the percentage of successful punching technique is higher than kicking technique, the point scores for every successful kick is two points. Thus, the combination of successful blocking and kicking technique will reward you 'one plus two point' or three points. This is critical if you only rely on kicking technique. You need to combine both of the defensive and attacking techniques to win a silat game.

3. Topple down technique. The jury loves this technique. When a silat fight between two silat exponents is even, topple down technique can influence the result of the fight. The secret is to train this technique at least 100 times a day with your partner. You also need to record and improve this technique until it is perfect.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Vital Points Strikes in Martial Art

A vital point is a pressure sensitive point on or near the surface of the human body. Vital points function like gateways to the nervous system, the main controller of the body, allowing you to use pain to influence the actions and reactions of an opponent. Even a single strike can cause serious damage, unconsciousness or, in rare cases, death.

The vital points of the body are listed below. A vital point is a part of the body that, when attacked in the right way (force, angle, accuracy), can cause paralysis, unconsciousness or even death. Attacks to nerves can lead to nausea, headaches or worse.

The impact on vital points is indicated by numbers as followed:

1 - Moderate pain
2 - Sharp pain
3 - Severe pain
4 - Unconsciousness or temporary paralysis
5 - Fatal

So, if you are aware of the results of attacking vital points on your opponent's arms and legs, it is possible to have a relatively clear shot at those targets. Once you have successfully struck these points, it will be too late for your opponent to adequately defend against further attacks to vital points. The normally harder to access points may now be seen as targets of opportunity and readily attacked.

A sound knowledge of the vital points located on the body's extremities can prove to be a valuable asset in any self-defense situation. This understanding offers you the door to enter should you wish to attack points on the head, neck, chest, or back, providing an equalizer for the serious student of self-defense.

Video Vital Points Strikes

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Silat Olahraga

The Silat Olahraga
Silat Olahraga

Silat is a term used to describe the martial arts forms practiced throughout the Malay Archipelago. Silat is a collective word for native’s martial arts that originates from Indonesia. It is traditionally practiced in Southern Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Brunei, Philippines and also Malaysia. Silat is a combative art of Malay fighting arts. Silat can be divided into two categories which are Silat Seni and Silat Olahraga.

Since the beginning of the 18th century till today, many silat practitioners still involve themselves in the kickboxing or Muay Thai competition because the movements and principles are quite similar to silat.

On the 23rd to 24th of September 1979, when the 14th SEA Games were held, Indonesian Pencak Silat Federation (IPSI) introduced Olahraga Pencak Silat (commonly known as Silat Olahraga). The rules of this competition have already been organized in the year 1973. In order to strengthen and enrich it, more pencak silat techniques are added based on karate, kempo and jujitsu moves for perfection.
By 1980, silat has taken part in the first Olahraga Pencak Silat competition which was held in Singapore. In 1982, the Pencak Silat competition introduced two new competitions which are Silat Seni and Silat Olahraga. Later, the Pencak Silat competition organizer changed the terms for the categories into Tunggal, Ganda, Regu and Tanding (Olahraga Pencak Silat/ Silat Olahraga). In order to standardize for the athletes and simplify the ways of evaluation, the Tunggal (solo), Ganda (double) and Regu (triple)
categories were standardized. The methods and markings of Tanding went back to the pencak silat technique.

silat olahraga technique
Silat olahraga technique

The uniqueness of Silat Olahraga is the rule. In the rule, there are exist of basic commands, time for each match, target area to attack the opponent, and the scoring point for each of the area that attacked.

For the basic commands, the ‘wasit’ which is referee will issue the command 'Sedia', meaning 'ready'. Then, he will shout 'Mulai', meaning 'begin'. Immediately the 'gong' will be struck. When the wasit wants to stop the fight, he will shout 'Berhenti', meaning 'stop'.

Every time the fighters step out of the ring, the wasit will stop the fight and bring the fighters back to the center. If a fighter repeatedly steps outside the ring, especially if he's stepping backwards, the wasit may issue him a penalty point. If he continues to do that he may be given 2 penalty points. If after that he still continues to step out of the ring, the wasit may even decide to end the fight and proclaim his opponent the winner. There are three rounds of fighting; 2 minutes for every round, with 1 minute rest between each round.

Scoring System

In silat fighting the fighters are allowed to attack any parts of the body except for the groin and the neck above. However, one only score points if one hits the body padding or the opponent's back. A kick will score 2 points, while a punch will score 1 point, much like TKD scoring system. A takedown will earn 3 points. No elbowing or knee strikes are allowed.

According to silat ruling, a takedown is when the opponent kicks or punches, the exponent grabs any parts of the limbs (usually the kicking leg), and cause the opponent to fall. If the opponent falls without the exponent losing his balance and falling on top of him, he will get 3 points. If the opponent pulls him down during the technique, the exponent may roll forward, thus avoiding falling on top of his opponent.He will still get the 3 points.

So to surmise, the fighters can obtain points by:

punching, receiving 1 point,
kicking, receiving 2 points,
and takedowns, receiving 3 points.

If an opponent attacks and the exponent can block or deflect the attack, and counterattacks, say with a kick, he will get 1+2=3 points. The same goes with punches (1+1=2) and takedowns (1+3=4).
If a fighter can apply punches, kicks, and takedowns in one round, the jurors will add another 1+2+3=6 bonus points to his score for that round. This rule is to encourage the fighters to have more variety in techniques.

Silat Olahraga is a unique sport that we can learn. The uniqueness of Silat Olahraga as I have described are the rule, dressing up, and it can form self defense. So, if you interesting with Silat Olahraga, it is not too late to join it. I will sure you all will never regret to join the silat.