Silat Gayong | Malay Martial Arts - Silat

Friday, March 18, 2011

Silat Gayong

      Silat gayong is an art of self-defense. I t is a defensive art. an art for stopping wars nor creating  them. Gayong is not merely about self-defense; it is also a way to develop the self--belajar mengenali diri (becoming a better person so that one may serve humanity). Gayong is a tool to strengthen relationships among mankind. It is a great way to develop and to increase physical fitness, flexibility, mental conditioning, discipline, and self-confidence. The philosophy of gayong is strongly related to the Malay adat istiadat (Malay cultures and traditions), morals, adab (respect), and the teaching of religion. Religion is the inspiration, motivation, and guidance for high-quality behavior. It is a mark of peace and harmony.

       At one time, gayong was taught only to select people. I t was nor until early 1942 when, on the Sudong island village of Singapore, inhabitants were worried about an attack by the Japanese army and the secret of gayong became more widely known. The incident was the first step in making gayong available to the public. From the Sudong island, gayong spread to other vicinities such as the island of Seking, Bukum, Sebaruk,  Sekijang, Sembilan, Semakom, and Damar island. It spread throughout the Indonesian islands as a way to protect thc villages horn pirates.

Today, gayong is widely practiced in Malaysia and Singapore. The art is being caught in schools, colleges, to the armed forces, and to the Royal Malaysian Police. I t also plays an important role for younger generations. Gayong has become a way to educate and introduce good character, discipline, morals, and ethics. It inspires the youth of Malaysia to appreciate the legends of the nation, the culture and tradition, and the achievement of freedom and liberty. Gayong has trawled beyond Malaysian society to Australia. Kuwait, Tunisia, Vietnam, France, Europe, and now to the United States.

History of Gayong

Seni gayong silat, or more correctly pronounced in the Malay language silat seni gayong, is believed to have originated from the Bugis tribe in the Sulawesi island (also known as Celebes island). The original name of silat seni gayong was silat Seni Sendi Harimau. It is believed that gayong has existed since the era of the Malacca's sultanate in the Malay Peninsula in the late fourteenth century during the empire of the Sultan Mansor Shah. In 151 1, during the intervention of the Portuguese in Malacca, Tun Biajid, son of Laksamana Hang Tuah and his followers employed silat to protect the Malay empire and its people. Gayong continued to spread from one generation to the next, and later to the grandfather of Meor Rahman, Syed Zainal Al-Attas, who lived in the era of Pendakar Dato Bahaman and Mat Kilau in 1700. Malaysians considered Dato Bahaman and Mat Kilau as freedom fighters during the British occupation of Malaysia. At that time, mostly the Bugis people of Makasar studied gayong silat . These were the people that brought gayong into the Malay Peninsula.

            The mahaguru of silat seni gayong was Dato Meor Abdul Rahman. He was the descendent of Bugis and Arabs. His great grandfather, Prince Daeng Kuning (Dacng meaning prince of royal Bugis), was a famous warrior also known as Panglima Hitam (The &lack Warrior). Daeng Kuning was recognized as a descendent of the family of warriors identified as pahlawan gayong. Pahlawan gayong was a famous warrior, highly intimidating, and respected by the public in Makasar, Riau, Siak, and all of the surrounding islands. History indicates that the Malay legendary warrior Hang Tuah inherited gayong, which was ultimately passed down to Dato Meor Abdul Rahman.

            Daeng Kuning traveled from Sulawisi island to the Malay Peninsula sometime after the year 1800. He traveled with six of his dose relatives. They were Daeng Jalak, Dacng Celak, Daeng Merawak, Daeng Mempawah, Daeng Telani, and Daeng Pelonggi. In search of a better life, they all went their separate ways throughout the Malay archipelago. Some moved to the state of Kedah. others to the states of Pahang, Johor. Terengganu, Selangor, and Malacca. Daeng Kuning settled in the state of Perak, married Princess Raja Patani, and decided to reside in the village of Air Kuning. They had a son named Penghulu Che Ngah Tambak who later had a son named Uda Mohd Hashim, the father of Meor Abdul Rahman. Daeng Kuning died in August 17, 1875 in Taiping, Perak. It is documented that seni gayong undoubtedly came from the lineage of the Bugis royal family:
  • ·         Prince Daeng Kuning (The RIack Warrior)
  • ·         Penghulu Chc Ngah Tambak
  • ·         Daeng Uda Mohd Hashim
  • ·         Dato Meor Abdul Rahman 


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