Silat Kuntau Tekpi | Malay Martial Arts - Silat

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Silat Kuntau Tekpi


Seni Silat Kuntau Tekpi is an authentic Malay art of self-defense and is an effective form of defense for the individual and the society at large. It has existed since during the reign of Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Shah, a monarch of the Malaysian state of Kedah in the early 19th century. It was pioneered by a palace warrior, a panglima (governor-general) named Panglima Taib. This style was taught only amongst the governor-generals and palace guards and warriors to counter the incursions of the Siamese and other state enemies of the period.

Panglima Taib passed on Silat Kuntau Tekpi to his daughter, Siti Aminah, who was known in her days of glory as the ‘Srikandi Kedah’ (Warrior-Maiden of Kedah). This style was then inherited by her son, the late Tuan Haji Zainol Abidin bin Endut and in turn by his son, Haji A. Sani bin Zainol (known as “Cikgu Sani”).

The primary weapon of this style is named the Tekpi, a three pronged metal truncheon also known as the “King of Weapons” which has been proven to be able to counter all bladed weapons.

This silat style has very specific methods that is difficult to be modified aside from strikeforms and tight trapping forms. All movements and deflections are compatible to the natural movements of a human being, young or old, male or female.

This silat style emphasizes defense when attacked but allows for pre-emptive attacks when absolutely necessary. It comprises several deflections with 21 buah asas (basic strikeforms), 21 buah kemahiran (skill building strikeforms), 21 buah makanbalik (recounters), 7 pukulan tekpi 1 (single tekpi strikeforms) and 7 pukulan tekpi 2 (double tekpi strikeforms).


SENI is a spiritual method taught at the intermediate level. Completion is only done at the Tapak Gelanggang Puncak Gunung Ledang (the training platform at the peak of Mt. Ophir in Malaysia).

SILAT is the physical movement that comprises deflections and attacks for self-defense.

KUNTAU is the hard movement applied after diplomacy fails with the enemy.

TEKPI is a weapon and is the symbol of this silat style.

Mission & Vision

1. To breathe new life into and reintroduce a cultural heritage of the Malays which is almost forgotten by the new generation.

2. To inculcate the spirit of appreciation and love of the Malay culture.

3. To inculcate the spirit of the warrior within the self of pesilat to counter all forms of transgressions.

4. To prevent the decline of morality of youth and their involvement in criminal activity.

5. To combat all forms of fallacy and superstition and to strengthen one’s conviction.

System Characteristics (the “Combat Formula of Silat Kuntau Tekpi”)

      •The beladiri (self-defense) phase of training has three components: the counteroffensive entry, the off-balancing throws and finally the locks and/or incapacitating finishing strikes.

      •The entries teach the student how to counterattack while their opponent is still attacking.  This way the force being generated by the opponent is deflected while the student steps in with a counteroffensive strike.  The effect is like two cars in a head-on collision, with only the attacker being injured.

      •The “crash” entry is designed to physically and mentally unbalance the opponent.  The entries lead directly to off-balancing throws.  The Silat Kuntau Tekpi practitioner then proceeds to throw the opponent in such a way that the fall itself disables the opponent so that no further follow up is necessary.  Your body-weight + your opponent's body-weight is combined so that the opponent falls on an intentionally exposed and vulnerable joint, thus immediately incapacitating the opponent upon landing.

      •Finally, the grounded opponent is either locked so he can be apprehended or he is struck since he is positioned in such a way that he cannot prevent the attack.

System Overview

The Silat Kuntau Tekpi system syllabus is divided into five levels, with the first two levels focusing on self-defense (“beladiri”) and establishing a strong foundation in ground fighting.  The third and fourth levels of the syllabus introduce the student to the “Tekpi” and its sophisticated application against single and multiple opponents who may be armed or unarmed.  The fifth and final level of the system teaches the spiritual and internal aspects of the art.

The Tekpi.Org core syllabus consists of 42 lesson modules.  Beginning students will be taught the 21 buah of Level One and the 21 buah of Level Two.  The core syllabus is rounded out with the teaching of the pelebat form and the Senaman Tua (Silat Conditioning) exercises.  This core syllabus can be completed in six months to one year of instruction, and it is intended to leave the student with a complete and comprehensive system of self-defense.

Levels Three, Four and Five are only available to students who elect to become instructors.

Video from Persatuan Seni Silat Kuntau Tekpi Malaysia

For more information visit

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