2011 | Malay Martial Arts - Silat

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Weapons Of Silat In Malaysia

In silat, there are various types of weapons. The most common are the kris, spear, machete, stick, kerambit, sickle and sarong. Edged weapons are given priority in silat, but the stick and sarong are also popular for self-defense. Because Southeast Asian society was traditionally based around agriculture, many of these weapons were originally farming tools.


 To see the different types of kris, and reservation is contact Al-Hadid Keris Malela

In the world of the Malay Silat, the keris is the principal form of weapon for defense and offence. The kris or keris is a type of dagger. It is the main weapon of most silat styles. The kris is characterised by its distinctive wavy blade, but originally most of them were straight. The blade is given its characteristic shape by folding different types of metal together and then washing it in acid. Traditional kris were said to be infused with venom during their forging but the method of doing this was a closely guarded secret among blacksmiths. Even a scratch from a poisonous kris might be fatal and a clean hit could reputedly kill a person in seconds, depending on the blacksmith's skill and the type of venom used. The kris is usually wielded on its own but it can also be paired.  
 One of the experts using the keris is a Guru Azlan Ghanie 


 To see the different types of badik, and reservation is contact Cikgu Nasir

While the keris is the chief weapon of the Malays, there are other knifes or blades used in silat, such as the badik. The badik or badek is a small, straight knife originating among the Makasar and Bugis people. They may be double or single-edged and range in length from twenty to forty centimetres.

Chipan / Jipan / Kapak Kecil

To see the different types of axe, and reservation is contact Cikgu Nasir

The chipan (also spelled cipan or jipan) or kapak kecil is a battle-axe, the weaponised form of the domestic kapak (axe) or beliong (hatchet). Two are sometimes wielded at once, with one in each hand. While the kapak and beliong were originally designed for cutting wood or chopping down trees, they could be improvised as chipan if needed.  The kapak kecil is a very effective fighting tool in mid and close range - the handle is used in trapping and striking, whilst the blades for hacking and punching your opponent. Using your langkah (footwork) and kelekan (body angling) to avoid attacks from your opponent helps utilize the kapak to its full effect, targeting the ribs, chest, neck and head.
 One of the experts using the axe is a Guru Jak Othman


 To see the different types of kerambit, and reservation is contact Raden Aria & Dang Ratna

The kerambit or gerambi is a narrow-bladed curved weapon resembling the claw of big cats. It is held by inserting the first finger into the hole in the handle, so that the blade curves from the bottom of the fist. Although usually wielded singly they may also be paired. Not only are they difficult to disarm, the kerambit is also easily hidden on account of its compact size. This concealability was the main reason for the weapon's fame. The kerambit was often regarded as a lady's weapon because women would tie them into their hair.
One of the experts using the kerambit is a Guru Wan Yusmar, Student of Jak Othman.


To see the different types of kujang, and reservation is contact Mohd Asyraf

Kujang is a curved blade native to Sundanese people of West Java, Indonesia. Often used in Pencak Silat combat in Sundanese style, especially Cimande school.


parang lading
 To see the different types of parang, and reservation is contact Mr. Azmeer

The parang is a chopper or cleaver which, like a machete, is used to cut through overgrowth. They may be curved or straight and range in size from small handheld knives to the length of a sword. Because they are so widely available, parang are one of the most popular weapons in silat. A variant of the parang is the golok. The "lading" is a weapon used by the exponents of Silat Cekak Hanafi, which originated from the Malaysian state of Kedah Darul Aman. The shape of the lading is like a meat butcher's knife with a short handle and a wide and sharp blade.

The "parang lading" however is used only for defense purposes, and not for attack. It is consonant with the philosophy of Silat Cekak that its martial arts form is only for self-defense purpose and that also includes the use of its main and unique weapon, the lading.

One of the experts using the parang lading is a Guru Ishak, Guru Utama Persatuan Seni Silat Cekak Malaysia


To see the different types of pedang, and reservation is contact Al-Hadid Keris Malela

The pedang is Malay-Indonesian word for "sword". The Indian-style long sword has been introduced in the region since the adoption of Hindu-Buddhist faith as early as 4th century, and was found in the bas reliefs of temples in Java. The 9th century statue of Durga and Manjusri in ancient Java art often carrying a sword. According to Sanghyang siksakanda ng karesian canto XVII dated 1518, pedang and kris were the weapons of ksathriyas (kings, knights and nobles).

Pisau (knife)

 To see the different types of pisau, and reservation is contact Tok Kie

Pisau is a generic word for blade. It comes from the Cantonese term peng sau and can refer to a sword or knife, both double or single-edged. The wooden sheaths of most edged weapons can be used for blocking, parrying or striking. Knives, or churiga, can almost always be paired but this isn't always done with swords in silat. The modern word for sword is pedang but this term is ambiguous since it could be translated as scythe. Southeast Asian swords differ considerably from one community to another but they are generally made for one-handed use. Varieties of swords include the pedang jenawi or longsword, the kujang from the Sunda Islands, the gedubang or Acehnese sabre, and the long-handled dap. Javanese swords were derived from those of India. Some are straight while others have a "bent" curve. Swords on the Malay Peninsula are usually one-edged with a slight curve, resembling the Burmese dha and the Thai sword used in krabi krabong.


The rencong or renchong is a pistol-gripped knife created by the Minangkabau who originated in West Sumatra. It is popularly known as tumbuk lada (or tumbuak lado in the Minangkabau language), meaning "pepper crusher". The blade is straight but with a slight curve. In terms of social stature, the rencong is in Minang culture comparable to the kris in other parts of Maritime Southeast Asia.


Similar to Japanese Kama, the sabit is a sickle originally employed when harvesting crops. It may be paired and, like the parang, it is very popular among silat practitioners, especially Madurese people of East Java.


To see the different types of sudang, and reservation is contact http://www.keriswarisan.com

The sundang is a sword created by the Bugis who originated in Sulawesi. As with the kris, the sundang usually features a wavy blade, but straight-bladed specimens also exist.

Gada / Gedak

The gedak is a steel mace, essentially consisting of a sphere connected to a handle. Originally from India, it is often associated with the monkey god Hanuman. It is possible to use two gedak at once but, because of their size and weight, this is best suited for larger and more muscular fighters.


The words toyak, belantan or tembong refers to a cudgel, cane or short stick. Sticks are also commonly called kayu which means literally means wood, though it could be made of any material. The techniques used with the stick could also be applied to similar objects for the purpose of self-defense. Most notable among these is the seruling or flute played during silat demonstrations as well as other cultural performances.

Ekor Pari

Literally meaning stingray tail, the ekor pari is a whip. Also known as a sauku, it is usually made of rope. Whips were originally used for urging animals forward or punishing criminals, and also as a form of torture. It was carried by wrapping it around the waist underneath the sarong. The whip was said to be popular among female silat exponents because of its light weight.

 One of the experts using the ekor pari is a Guru Jak Othman


The rantai is a chain which can be swung or used to lock and seize opponents. It can sometimes be substituted with a length of rope (tali). In some styles, a spearhead is attached to one end of the chain or rope


The tongkat or galah is a staff, pole or rod. Silat exponents regard it as the most versatile of all weapons. They are typically made of bamboo or wood but some are also made from steel. The word galah refers to the pole used for knocking fruit down from trees or when punting a boat. Staves can also be referred to as tiang, kayu or tongkat, the latter term meaning walking stick. Depending on its shape, the handle of a tongkat may be used to sweep an opponent or catch their weapon. Aside from the staff's shorter variations, some styles also use large, thick poles.

One of the experts using the tongkat is a Guru Dr. Dahlan Karim, Guru Utama Penguruan Seni Silat Setiabakti  

Tombak / Lembing

The tombak is a lance while the lembing is a spear. Both terms are often used interchangeably but tombak actually refers to non-missile weapons which are circular at the base of the blade, rather than spatulate. Lembing can be used for either a spear or javelin. Early spears were made entirely of wood. The steel-tipped spear was, along with the kris and shield, one of the main weapons used by soldiers in Maritime Southeast Asia. The most common type is the tombak benderang which has red-dyed horse hair attached near the blade. Contrary to the common misconception that it is used to distract the opponent, the horse-hair's true purpose is to prevent the enemy's blood from dripping onto the handle.


Literally meaning branch, the chabang is a truncheon or knife with three prongs. Called cabang in Indonesian and tekpi in Malay, it was probably created in India based on the trisula. Chabang are traditionally paired and can be used in striking, locking or throwing techniques. The two outer prongs are used for trapping the weapon or breaking the opponent's weapon. Among silat practitioners, the chabang is known as the king of weapons because of its usefulness when defending against blades.

 One of the experts using the tekpi is a Guru A.Sani, Guru Utama Pertubuhan Seni Silat Kuntau Tekpi Malaysia

Samping / Chindai

The samping is a wearable sarong usually tied around the waist or draped across one shoulder. Related weapons include the linso or kerchief, and the chindai or Sindhi waist-sash made of silk. Students first use it for practicing hand movements but in advanced stages it is applied as a weapon. Samping techniques include locks, grabs and choke-holds. It can also be used to trap the opponent's weapon or attacking limb. The samping is particularly useful against bladed weapons since the wrapped cloth provides some protection from cuts.

 One of the experts using the cindai is a Guru Abdul Majid, Guru Utama Pertubuhan Seni Silat Pusaka Gayung Malaysia.

Gandewa / Busur

The gandewa is a bow, though it is more often referred to as a busar or busur today. It was a common hunting weapon even among the region's aboriginal tribes (orang asal), but was later replaced by the senapang or rifle. The gandewa is very rarely taught in modern silat schools.


The sumpit is a blowpipe, a hollow bamboo tube through which poisonous darts (damak) are shot. It is one of the oldest weapons in the region, having been used as a hunting tool by Proto-Malays since prehistoric times. The blowpipe is also the most popular long-range weapon in silat and was most often used to kill someone unawares. It typically measures 1.8m long and is made from two pieces of bamboo, one for the barrel and one for the casing. In close combat, it could be wielded as a stick. In Malaysia, the orang asli are considered the greatest masters of the blowpipe. Tribes such as the Iban of Sarawak used a hollow spear which could shoot arrows, thus combining the characteristics of a projectile and hand-to-hand weapon.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

7 Self Defense Lessons From a Street Fight

After enrolling in a martial arts class it was inevitable for me to ask my teacher about self defense and how I could apply what I've learned into an actual street fight.

Surprisingly some of the advice I got from my teacher about handling a street fight were pretty straight forward. So straight forward that 90% of people aren't even aware of these basic principles.

7. Your objective is to survive
It's not about who can do the best roundhouse kick or the best cradle kick. It's about surviving a potential life threatening situation. It's about how you get in a few quick hits and get out. You never know if the person you are up against either has a hidden firearm or if backup is coming soon. You don't have time to find out. Your only concern is you immediate survival and getting yourself to safety.

6. Know your limits
You are not Bruce lee. You are not invincible. You are only one man. Therefor taking on 5 opponents is just stupid. Being able to take on multiple opponents only happens in movies. It's neither advisable to risk your life to save a few dollars, when the attacker has a gun pointed at you. Know your limits. Give whatever the attack might require if he holds a weapon or has backup.

5. Stay Calm and collected
When in the heat of the battle; it's easy to let everything go and lose your common sense, that is when you can risk everything fall apart for you. By all means remain calm and keep your head cool. Only then can you see the bigger picture and more likely get out of the situation alive. Try and look for an exit when possible. You can't do that while your punching away in rage infused fury.

4. There are no rules in the jungle
That means play dirty. Aim for the eyes, the crotch, find a weapon, do anything in your power to secure your own survival. This is not about pretty moves and cool kicks. This is about who can get out with the least amount of damage and wake up the next day. Because you will be hit. This is a street fight. This is not a regulated sporting event. This is man vs man. No rules.

3. Hit first - Take the initiative
You have the element of surprise. Most attackers won't expect you to hit first. Use it! Hit first. Take initiative. If you are the one getting hit, then you are at the wrong end. By making the first move you have the opportunity to stun your attacker and short window to get out of there quickly. Use that to your advantage.

2. Take him to the ground
Close the distance. Use your weight. Lock his joints and get him on the ground. Once you're on top you have the advantage. This is especially effective if you know any Brazilian jiu-jitsu or submission martial arts. Most attackers do not know how to properly defend themselves on the ground.

1. Keep your hands up
This is something boxing coaches remind their fighters. Keep them hands up! Protect yourself. Your head is one of the most vulnerable points on your body. Keep them hands up so you'll last longer in the fight. Evade the punches when you can.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Great Action From Silat Cekak Hanafi

empty hand combat techniques
knife combat techniques
parang lading combat techniques
stick fighting techniques
martial arts techniques of the attack group
Martial Arts Defense (group attack)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Silat Lincah

Silat Lincah
Silat Lincah

Nimble Silat ( Silat Lincah ) in Malaysia was represented by the Agility Association of Silat Seni Malaysia which was founded by Datuk Haji bin Mauju Omardin and was officially registered in 1969 .  This establishment was approved on Saturday, 9th January 1971 1390 AH, corresponding 13 Zulkaedah

Haji Omardin bin Mauju was born on 29th May 1941 in Puchong and was raised Kampung Puah, Gombak. This true blue Selangor born suffered greatly in his youth because of polio induced paralysis, a condition which was difficult to treat at the time.

However, the pain did not stop him from constantly searching for someone who could cure him of it until he met a silat master, Syed Abdul Rahman at Pulau Besar in Melaka. He advised Omardin to study Silat Tarah in his efforts to cure his disease. Thus, began Omardin's internal journey in silat.

His interest in silat developed and deepened when he realised his condition showed signs of improvement. However, he was also forced to accept the fact that the damage to his legs would be permanent. Throughout his treatment and silat studies, Omardin was buried to waist level fifteen times on the beach during the full moon.

Omardin faced each test with courage, even though he was still 18 years of age. He studied every silat technique including attacks, blocks and takedowns using his whole body, including his damaged legs. He was fortunate enough to be trained not only by Syed Abdul Rahman but the master was also assisted by seven of his students, Omardin's colleagues in the style.

After four years of numerous tests of Omardin's patience, perseverance and effort in studying Silat Tarah, it was a dream come true for the once incapacitated teenager to finally be appointed as a Guru Muda (Junior Master) at the young age of 22. His successes did not end there as a few months later, after several evaluations and intensive testing by his master, Omardin was appointed as Mahaguru and permitted to teach Silat Lincah by Syed Abdul Rahman.

The status of Mahaguru was not attained without difficulty. Omardin proved that his handicap posed no problems when facing the most intensive of spiritual tests, among them being hacked with a sharp blade, showered in boiling oil and buried in the ground for two days and two nights.
The ceremony to install Omardin as the Mahaguru took place at the tomb (maqam) of Sheikh Ismail Sultan Ariffin in Pulau Besar, Melaka.

In the ceremony, he also received his master's instruments as a symbol of inheriting all of Syed Abdul Rahman's knowledge. Once the ceremony was completed, Omardin was bathed at a well named Perigi Nenek Kebayan and underwent a lime bath at the Makam Tujuh Beradik as a conclusion to the installation.

After concluding his studies with Syed Abdul Rahman, Omardin was entrusted by his master to study from four other masters. To fulfil his wishes, Omardin delved into silat and spiritual studies with Kiyai Haji Nong Lias at Rantau, Negeri Sembilan. Following this, he turned to Wan Alang from Bukit Selambau, Kedah while the third master was Syed Mohammed Al-Qadri and the fourth Tuan Haji Salleh Patani.

He then left for Mekah together with 37 of his instructors to 'confirm' his studies. Upon his return, Silat Lincah began making strides in the local silat scene. With only five of his original students, Omardin established several gelanggang within Selangor and Wilayah Persekutuan.
From then on, Silat Lincah spread far and wide throughout the country until it became a legally registered association, the Pertubuhan Seni Silat Lincah Malaysia (PSSLM).

Omardin has also organised several series of overseas Silat Lincah demonstrations including in Indonesia, Singapura, Thailand, Philippines, Brunei, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Pakistan, India and Mekah.

The success of Silat Lincah in spreading its wings internationally began after 4th December 1976, when a World Silat demonstration was organised by PSSLM in Kuala Lumpur. It was after this historic date that two young men, one from England and one from Belgium, Glenn Lobo and Christopher Bogaerts came to Kuala Lumpur to study Silat Lincah. This was the first step for Silat Lincah's overseas invasion.

In the midst of these achievements, Omardin's exhortations began to attract several silat bodies to confederate at a regional ASEAN level. It was even due to his ideas and efforts that the Malaysian National Silat Federation (PESAKA) was established, which has now become the backbone to all silat activities in Malaysia.

Silat Lincah once again made a name for themselves when Omardin and hundreds of his students were involved in producing a film documentary titled One Step Into The Beyond or Selangkah Ke Alam Batin which was not only publicly screened but also opened a new page in the history of Silat Melayu, and was Silat Lincah's ultimate achievement that cemented Omardin as a vanguard of Silat Melayu.

Status / rank in the Silat Nimble

    * Bengkung black shawl black (full mahta - bengkung bersongket)
    * Black bengkung red scarf (full mahta)
    * Black scarf bengkung yellow (full mahta)
    * Dark green scarf bengkung (full mahta)
    * Red scarf black berlis bengkung red (full mahta)
    * Red scarf black berlis bengkung yellow (full mahta)
    * Red scarf black berlis bengkung green (full mahta)
    * Red scarves Red bengkung (mahta full / part / none mahta)
    * Red scarf bengkung yellow (mahta full / part / none mahta)
    * Red scarf green bengkung (mahta full / part / none mahta)
    * Yellow scarf (young coach)
    * Green scarf (child coach)
    * Black-Black (assistant tennis coach)
    * Red-Black
    * Red-Yellow
    * Yellow-Yellow (new coach)

For the standard green scarf and above, the increase will be determined by the Supreme Council, chaired by Professor PSSLM own. Pesilat will be evaluated prior to determining eligibility to receive / to wear a scarf.

PSSLM also Honorary scarf (blue) to individuals who contribute to the development PSSLM

List Songkok

For formal events, coaches and pesilat required to wear a skull cap . Grade level is distinguished by a wound in the bottom trim cap.

    * Black Green Green - Acting young teachers
    * Red Black Red - Black berselendang coach (coach of the High Level)
    * Red Yellow Red - Red berselendang berlis black coach (Senior Instructor Malaysia)
    * Red Yellow - Coach dressed makhta
    * Red - Coach red berselendang
    * Green - a young coach and trainer kanak2
    * Yellow - Stage of

Demonstration Performances

Monday, April 11, 2011

Silat Sendeng ( Malay Muay Thai )

Silat Sendeng
Silat Sendeng

The same as grandmaster of Silat Seni Gayong, Dato' Meor Abdul Rahman,  grandmaster of Silat Sendeng, Long Mamat also the descendants Bungis. Originally from Sulawesi, the wanderlust of the Bugis ensured that they were well-travelled throughout Nusantara and beyond, bringing with them their knowledge, their culture, and their combat arts. In Malaysia, among the more popular and recognizable of these is Seni Silat Sendeng.

Silat Sendeng founded by Allahyarham Long Mamat and expanded by Allahyarham Haji Hamid bin Haji Hamzah, named this silat by Seni Silat Sendeng Muar. First center under Allahyarham Haji Hamid is born at Sungai Mati, Muar, Johor Darul Takzim. After Allahyarham Haji Hamid past away on 19 May 1990, his younger brother, Allahyarham Haji Ismail bin Haji Hamzah was choosen to lead Seni Silat Sendeng and replaced as ‘Guru Utama’ (Grandmaster). On 11 July 1992, Seni Silat Sendeng Muar was register by the name ‘Pertubuhan Seni Silat Sendeng Malaysia’ with combining 7 branch of country like Johor, Melaka, Pahang, Perak, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor and Negeri Sembilan. Now, Pertubuhan Seni Silat Sendeng Malaysia has 42 training center in Malaysia and was born at lease 48 an expert instructor. Totally all members join or register to learn Seni Silat Sendeng is 2,240 members.

Who is Long Mamat

Long Mamat is a Bugis descent from Pontian, Johor. He has developed martial arts Sendeng in Muar at the end of the 19th century (1885-1910 s). Some have been told that, Long Mamat learned Sendeng  from four of his uncle on the ship. This story was submitted by Long's great-grandson of the late Haji Ismail Mamat.
There is also a story that says that, Long Mamat learn Sendeng from one of his uncle in Parit Raja, Muar. At that time, Long Mamat finished with 39 teachers studied martial arts and eventually he lost when he tried to test his uncle. This story is the story of an elderly man in the late Parit Bakar Hj Ismail.

Allahyarham Haji Abdul Hamid bin Haji Hamzah

Although the aliran (core family of arts) of Sendeng is present in many other areas, Johor has seen its highest concentration, with multiple variations due to the many masters who have inherited it. Among the more prominent masters, one eventually made Sendeng a respectable name in the high-profile world of Silat Melayu. His name is Haji Abdul Hamid bin Haji Hamzah. 

Haji Hamid Hamzah was the primary master who actively developed and spread the knowledge of Seni Silat Sendeng, which he inherited from his grand elders who were famed warriors in the early 20th century.

He began studying the arts since he was five years old (1932) under the tutelage of his own grandfather, Haji Hassan bin Mahat who was better known in his time as Haji Hassan Pendekar, a man skilled in the grace and play of weapons such as pedang (sword), keris, tekpi (sai), tumbuk lada, tembong (pole), tuas, tongkat (stick) and kerambit.

Ten years later, he studied from two other famous grand elders, Tamam Dagang (a pendekar known for his invincibility and strength) from whom he studied pukulan or buah sendeng and Haji Mohd Ariff bin Shamsu from whom he refined his knowledge of Pukulan Tujuh Hari.

Both of these elders studied from a famous pendekar, Long Mamat, the founder of Pukulan Sendeng, who resided at Padang in Muar, Johor Darul Takzim.

To deepen his religious and spiritual knowledge, he studied from Haji Mohd Salleh bin Abdul Karim, better known as Kiai Salleh or Panglima Salleh of Batu Pahat.

Initially, Haji Hamid Hamzah began spreading Sendeng individually in the 1950s but later renamed it as Silat Sendeng Muar. For 58 years of his life, he was dedicated to the development, spread and continuation of the art. On the 19th of May 1990, he passed away at the age of 63.

The passing of Haji Hamid Hamzah was a great loss to Sendeng as a whole. His struggle, his sacrifices and his services in the name of Seni Silat Sendeng was instrumental in spreading its wings to several states within Malaysia. Many difficult challenges were met with equal courage. His strength drove the effort and his death threatened to end it all.

But before the embers could grow cold, the torch was ably carried by his younger brother, Haji Ismail bin Haji Hamzah who took over the reigns as Guru Utama. As a sibling to the founder who was also raised in a family of warriors, the task to continue the tradition was in good hands.

Allahyarham Haji Ismail bin Haji Hamzah 

During Haji Ismail’s leadership, Seni Silat Sendeng was registered in 1992 and currently operates actively in Johor, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Selangor, the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Pahang, Perak, Kelantan and the Federal Territory of Labuan.

The name of the style carries inherent meanings and philosophies that are understood by those who study it. Simply, ‘Seni’ means the grace of a structured motion while performing a physical movement. ‘Silat’ is the physical agility of movement during defence or attack whether unarmed or with a weapon and ‘Sendeng’ is a combination of striking techniques and tactical evasions or attacking from a slanted position.

Physically, the slanted position during defence guards the seven critical organs of the body; face, jugular, chest, solar plexus, ribs, abdominal cavity and groin. Each of these primary targets is carefully shielded from the enemy. It also facilitates the pesilat’s forward or reverse motion, his evasions and parries.

Therefore, the ‘Sendeng’ position is a method that facilitates releasing, barring, facing and parrying any threats that approach the practitioner in line with the Sendeng philosophy that states “rush before his arrival and kill before he lives”.

Seni Silat Sendeng holds to the offensive defence strategy. In other words, a sendeng practitioner rarely awaits an incoming attack but for those who understand the concept, will preempt an attack and keep attacking. This is because the practitioner has mastered the ‘ibu gerak’ (source of movement) and ‘ibu pukul’ (source of striking). He knows how to ‘kill’ a movement and ‘kill’ a strike.

This is why, even when an opponent strives to attack first but his movement is intercepted and it is the sendeng practitioner that makes the strike. The interception continues with a barrage of strikes.

This comes from the idea that ‘the strike is the parry’. The strikes that are launched usually ride upon the strength, speed, emotion and momentum of the opponent.

The Sendeng philosophy of 'cepat datang cepat pula jatuh, besar yang datang besar perginya' roughly translates to the memorable ‘The bigger they are, the harder they fall’. Literally, it means ‘a speedy entrance ends with a speedy fall, a big entrance ends with a big exit. This philosophy provides the foundation for Sendeng’s ability to dispatch an enemy by using his strength and speed against him.

The Sendeng practitioner rarely allows himself to be touched by the opponent. However, in those rare cases, he provides an opportunity for the enemy to catch or lock him. This baited trap allows for a more powerful and devastating counterattack.

The Sendeng strikes are ‘one but feel like a thousand’

Seni Silat Sendeng teaches the usage of ten different weapons in its syllabus. Among them are the keris, parang (machete), pedang (sword), tekpi, perisai (shield).

Haji Ismail bin Haji Sa’din

After 10 years serve to PSSSM, Allahyarham was past away on 22 March 2002. Now, Haji Ismail bin Haji Sa’din be selected and agree by all senior members as the new ‘Guru Utama’ (Grandmaster) from 2002 until now.

AL-FATIHAH to all master because developed PSSSM until today - AMIN

Lesson Of Sendeng 

A General lesson of PSSSM has two characteristic, firstly is philosophy or words of silat and second is silat lesson. Philosophy or words of silat inside our silat is heritage from older master of silat. Words of silat, practitioner believe it is a highest level including teori and logic practical also have hiding meaning for every perform of silat movement.

Lesson of silat are separated in three part, basic level, middle level, skill and instructor level. In this level, it was separated in three core subject like seni (art), buang pukul and play silat weapon. Three of this lesson have a different style but still has same objective and angle because a practitioner must expert in three lesson if want to become as instructor or coach.

Silat Sendeng different in concepts, it not waiting any attacking besides that, it’s intercept attacking. In genuine, every attacking or striking was using following once philosophy ‘Sendeng punch cannot see or catch but if strike on target it will give damage to opponent’.

Silat Sendeng concept based on speed and powerful kicking or punch.



Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Secrets of Keris

Before I explain about the secret use of a keris, let's see the part of keris.

part of keris


Kris is the function of each part. Aring (ekor cicak) actually functions as "protection" the grip, was pierced by a dagger of the enemy during fighting. It can also be used as a weapon when the enemy captures our hands.

When the enemy grabbed our wrists

Stabbed his arm with aring

Aring piercing will hurt the opponent

when the enemy release his grip.. and quickly sliced his arm. ended with stab wounds to his neck.


Hulu Keris ( kris-handle) usually carved beautiful and there are also decorated with precious stones. Huluu actually had a secret battle. Hulu keris are usually made from other types of wood functioning as a medicine as "kemuning" (click the link to know about kemuning trees). Apart from that it can also hurt enemies.