Inner Energy in Martial Arts | Malay Martial Arts - Silat

Friday, January 25, 2013

Inner Energy in Martial Arts

 Meditating for spiritual growth and inner energy

The word "energy" or "inner energy" or "mental energy"  is called "Chi Energy" in Chinese,  Ki (Japanese) and "Baraka" in Islamic Countries. It is related, but not precisely the same thing as the scientific concept of energy. The word as used in this context, is something that essentially should be felt.

The Great Mystery of the Martial Arts is how to generate Secret Inner Energy. While some fighting disciplines are more concerned with how to knock people out, the advanced martial artist is always concerned with how to create Inner Energy. This is the arena of Tai Chi, Silat, Ninja, and other such fine arts.

To really make any progress in this matter one needs to understand several items which don't always appear be martial arts related. These things are essential to the human being, and critical to understand the real mysteries of life. Thus, analyze my words carefully, for the real truth is before you.

One, you are unique, a human being, a point of awareness in the universe. Many people think they are flesh machines, but this is false. A body is a vehicle for moving around on the planet, nothing more, nothing less.

Two, the thrust of the human being is to bring order out of chaos. This is a desire for structure which pushes the human experience. Indeed, one's very survival hinges upon ones ability to bring order out of chaos.

Three, the universe is nothing more than a motor. This means that everything has two sides, and if you want to make the universe work, (if you want to generate and use Inner Energy), you need to understand how to make the two sides (of any motor) work.

Four, the martial arts is the best discipline if you wish to learn how to make a motor do what it is supposed to do. This is because one learns first for the smaller universe of the body, and then those teachings can be applied to the rest of life. Unfortunately, this is not known by most people.

Five, you're going to have to find the martial science which focuses on these points. This can be incredibly hard, for the martial arts are a path of knowledge, and have been mixed up and compacted by an endless variety of people with vested interest, or, sad to say, people who are just mean. Still, there is a way to resolve the chaos, discover the science, and find out the truth about your potential.

These five steps are the martial discipline, and they are yet more than martial arts. For the goal of martial arts is merely to open the door to the realization of your true potential, of finding the key to this secret Inner Energy will lead you past the door, into a realm hitherto not accessible to people. Thus, whether Kung Fu or Taekwondo, whether even MMA or Silat, the chi mystery will fall, and the universe will do as you bid.

Master of Silat Lincah
The testing of internal energy mastery of his students.

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